Category: Newsletter

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

July is National Minority Health Awareness Month. It was designated as such by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 to raise awareness of mental illness and to improve access to mental health services and treatments for racial and ethnic minority populations. Dr. Martha Crowther is a practicing psychologist at University Medical Center, which is…

The Impact of Covid-19 on Hospitals

Hospitals, including DCH Health System locally, have worked since spring to meet the continuous challenges of caring for patients infected with Covid-19 and respond to a tremendous public health crisis. Hospitals have established testing sites and are treating countless patients. They have purchased additional personal protective equipment, ventilators and therapeutic medications. They have added intensive…

A Message from Dr. Richard Friend, Dean of the College of Community Health Sciences

University of Alabama students are beginning to arrive in Tuscaloosa and on campus for the August 19 start of fall semester classes. Preparation for their return, however, and that of UA faculty and staff, have been ongoing for months, since last spring when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. As a member of the advisory committee created…

New Physicians Join UMC

University Medical Center has welcomed two new physicians to its practice. Dr. Russ Guin is a family medicine physician and will care for patients in UMC’s Family Medicine Clinic and Sports Medicine Clinic. Guin received a bachelor’s degree in health sciences from The University of Alabama. He received his medical degree from the University of…

Evening Hours for Scheduled Appointments and Walk-Ins Resume at UMC

University Medical Center in Tuscaloosa resumes evening hours this week for in-person scheduled appointments and walk-in care. Beginning Tuesday, August 11, evening clinic hours will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Appointments will be scheduled, and walk-ins will be accommodated according to capacity. Scheduled appointments can be for routine health-care…

A Message From Dr. Richard Friend, Dean of the College of Community Health Sciences

Until there is a vaccine, Covid-19 testing remains critical to gaining control of the spread of the virus and allowing for a return to normalcy. Testing helps find the virus in the population, hopefully early, and lets people know they need to quarantine or isolate themselves from others. This is one way we can help…

University Hospitalist Group Physicians Care for UMC Patients in the Hospital

Physicians with University Hospitalist Group are caring for University Medical Center patients hospitalized at DCH Regional Medical Center in Tuscaloosa. University Hospitalist Group was established by UMC in 2003 in partnership with DCH. Services provided to UMC patients by physicians of the group include in-patient care at DCH after emergency room visits or doctor referrals,…

University Medical Center Resuming Evening In-Person Patient Appointments

University Medical Center in Tuscaloosa will resume evening, in-person patient appointments in August. UMC had converted evening office visits to telemedicine visits this past spring due to Covid-19. Evening clinic hours will return on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm for scheduled appointments and urgent care for both new patients and established…

Covid-19 and Re-Opening K-12 Schools

Local, state and federal officials are considering a re-opening of K-12 schools, leaving parents understandably concerned about the safety of their children at school. Dr. Brian Gannon, a pediatrician at University Medical Center, said it is important to consider the benefits and risks of both in-person and virtual learning. Gannon is also assistant professor of…