Grocery Shopping

This sample grocery list can help you make healthier choices when you shop. Add the quantity you need next to each item, and check if you have a coupon. Planning ahead will help you save time and money.

Remember to compare labels and choose products with the lowest amount of sodium, added sugars, saturated fat and trans fat that you can find in your store.

Look for the Heart-Check mark to quickly and easily identify foods that can be part of a heart-healthy eating plan.

AHA certified

Use this shopping list to help you when shopping

Food Chart

Eat by Season

This guide can help you explore different fruits and vegetables throughout the year. Seasonal produce in your area will vary by growing conditions and weather. Remember, fresh, frozen, canned, and dried: it all counts toward your MyPlate goals.


Apples Celery Pears
Avocado Grapefruit Pineapple
Bananas Kale Potatoes
Beets Leeks Pumpkins
Brussels Lemons Rutabagas
Sprouts Onions Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Cabbage Oranges Turnips
Carrots Parsnips Winter Squash


Apples Celery Pineapple
Apricots Collard Greens Radishes
Asparagus Garlic Rhubarb
Avocado Greens (cooking) Spinach
Bananas Lettuce Strawberries
Broccoli Mushrooms Swiss
Cabbage Onions Chard Turnips
Carrots Peas


Apples Collard Greens Okra
Apricots Corn Peaches
Avocado Cucumbers Plums
Bananas Eggplant Raspberries
Beets Garlic Strawberries
Bell Peppers Green Beans Summer Squash & Zucchini
Blackberries Honeydew Tomatillos
Blueberries Melon Tomatoes
Carrots Kiwifruit Watermelon
Cantaloupe/ Muskmelons Lima Beans
Celery Mangos
Cherries Nectarines


Apples Garlic Pears
Bananas Ginger Pineapple
Beets Grapes Potatoes
Bell Peppers Greens (cooking) Pumpkins
Broccoli Green Beans Radishes
Brussels Sprout Kale Raspberries
Cabbage Lettuce Rutabagas
Carrots Mangos Spinach
Cauliflower Mushrooms Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Celery Onions Swiss Chard
Collard Greens Parsnips Turnips
Cranberries Peas Winter Squash